Style Bite // Knickerbocker glory: big girl’s… bloomers?

Crop tops, knicker shorts and cut-out dresses. I thought the most figure punishing of summer trends had peaked already until I noticed a sneaky little separate called the bloomer.

bloomers at ASOS

Slowly taking old on the high street, bloomers are a micro trend for the slim of limb who want to push this season’s girly vibe to a ridiculous saturation point. I can’t see a way to look nonchalant or sophisticated in a sexed-up version of a Mary Poppins outfit so ham it up with pink printed or play suit versions (already available at ASOS).

Bloomin' marvellous

On the spring/summer 12 catwalk, bloomers were teamed with boxy jackets at Balenciaga and bralets at Dolce. Try styling with vintage slogan tees, grandad sandals and summer leather for a point of difference.


Remember to take any Blackadder jibes on the chin and pack some board shorts too,  just in case you catch your reflection once you’ve left the house.

Catwalk image, uhhh, ‘on loan’ from the excellent Man Repeller blog *gulps* hope she doesn’t mind…

  • Comments

  • avatar

    I’ll wear most things, but this? Well, it’s just bloomin’ ridic, no?

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