Business related enquiry
If you have a business /press/sponsorship sort of query, please send an email to hello[at]leblow[dot]co[dot]uk.
Personal enquiry
If you want to follow what I’m up to or ask me a question, the best way to get my attention is through one of my social networks thurrr on the right. Twitter is probably your quickest option…
You can reach me by rail way
You can reach me by trail way
You can reach me on an airplane
You can reach me with your miiiiiind
You can reach me by caravan
Cross the desert like an Arab man…
Comments ( 1 )
julia dudko
I’m Julia Dudko, a fashion blogger like you, and the CEO of social light app. social ligh is the new and chic, Gossip Girl-esc photo editing app that lets you edit photos on-the-go like a true Van Der Woodsen.
social light app was the most Trending app on the App Store on the first day! It’s free and available for iOS and features a brand new way to edit photos.
Do you do product features? I know this sounds like another press blast, but I’d love to get the word out there. You know how it is for bloggers out there!
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions! I would love to hear your thoughts. You can email me at