I was looking through a male friend’s calendar the other day and every month he had written ‘P’. I was like “Dude, what’s the ‘P’ for? Is that when you get your period?”
To which he replied horrified “NO! ‘P’ equals payday”.
FYI everyone ‘£’ equals payday, ‘P’ is definitely period.
This post is in honour of those pop-up calendar stalls in the middle of shopping centres. Like Santa Claus and Ice Cream Van people, we wonder what they do the rest of the year. Also, we already miss having a breakfast of champions courtesy of our Advent calendars.
“I could pee on this” and other poems by cats calendar
This is funny.
Antique maps calendar
Map porn galore. Cartographers know where it’s at.
Bubble wrap calendar
Who doesn’t want to start their day popping bubble wrap? WHO?
Keith Haring calendar
Calendars are a great non-committal way to put up art.
Lego calendar
Stepping on Lego hurts. Better on the wall than under your feet.
Nice Jewish Guys calendar
They are nice, they are Jewish and they have their own calendar.
An Insult a day desk calendar
Comebacks and putdowns from famous names.