Posts by Author

Natalie Wall

Trying to keep my yin in harmony with my yang. Compulsive over-sharer; partial to a French Fancy.

The £4 fashion update

As I get older, I tend to buy into fast-moving trends less and less. I know my basic ‘fashion formula’ (for me, this is a variation of skinny jeans, western boots and a rotation of band tee, blazer, bohemian blouse or biker jacket) and stick to it. I’m also trying to buy less, but better. […]

Hair By Sam McKnight at Somerset House

Somerset House’s mane attraction (geddit?) this winter is a major exhibition celebrating the remarkable 40-year career of legendary hairstylist Sam McKnight. McKnight has created some of fashion’s most recognisable styles – think Princess Diana’s slicked back bob, Tilda Swinton channeling David Bowie and Kate Moss’ trademark tousled tresses. He has created over 100 Vogue UK covers and […]

This, too, shall pass

People are often surprised to learn that I haven’t got any tattoos, not a single one. Multiple piercings and scars, but zero on the inkage front; the main reason being I’m a bloody indecisive Libran. However, there’s one thing I would consider having tattooed about my person – a phrase, in fact – to act […]