Posts by Author

Natalie Wall

Trying to keep my yin in harmony with my yang. Compulsive over-sharer; partial to a French Fancy.

Holiday review: Daios Cove, Crete

So I recently had a blogging epiphany. Something bothering lately me is the sheer amount of sponsored travel posts I’m seeing on other blogs. I get that, as an influencer, why would you ~not~ want a fancy free holiday (and yassss, as an ex journo, I understand they’re usually manic af/working not holidaying etc etc), […]


Hello! I wanted to write a post to introduce the new-look Le Blow, and explain WTF gwan. Long-time Le Blowers ~*snigger*~ will know this site started life back in 2011 as a more magazine-y style platform, offering an honest-yet-witty take on fashion, love, life and everything in-between. At the time, there was no editorial offering […]