Five actors who can actually sing…

We all saw Mamma Mia. We’re all still trying to reverse the damage Pierce Brosnan’s caterwauling did to our ears (and his career, presumably).  However, there are some actors out there who are actually, surprisingly multi-talented (perhaps because they don’t attempt to push their talents down our throats), and choose to lend their talents to slightly better-chosen projects. Take note, Pierce.

Zooey Deschanel

Everyone loves Zooey. And whilst she’s no stranger to singing on screen (her kooky band where by far the best thing about Yes Man. No wait, they were the only good thing) Zooey’s musical partnership with producer M.Ward, otherwise known as She & Him, has produced some mighty fine musical stylings, all of which prove Miss Deschanel is one multi-talented lady indeed.

Hugh Jackman

When most of us think of Hugh Jackman, we think of Wolverine. But did you realise he’s had an extensive musical theatre career? Starring roles in big productions of The Boy From Oz and Oklahoma have paved the way for him to showcase his musical talents, which are now flowing over to the big screen; on-screen remakes of Carousel and Sunset Boulevard are in the works.

Scarlett Johansson

That deliciously husky voice was just made for singing, of course.  Scarlett has dabbled music here and there over the last couple of years, from an album of Tom Waits covers, to a collaboration of duets with singer/songwriter Peter Yorn, supposedly inspired by Serge Gainsbourg’s duets with Brigette Bardot. Impossibly cool, right? Well her singing career very nearly wasn’t cool at all; Scarlett was originally considered for the role of Maria in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s 2005 stage revival of The Sound of Music. To be honest, if there was ever an actress less suitable to play a nun, it would be Scarlett. Thank god she missed out on that one.

Jeff Bridges

Good old Jeff Bridges has been singing in movies a-plenty since, well, probably before a lot of us were born to be honest. However, it was his Oscar-winning turn as a bitter, washed-up country music star in last year’s Crazy Heart that made us all stop and realise that this dude (yep, a little Big Lebowski reference for you there, on purpose) is actually just as talented when it comes to his vocals as he is at acting. And that’s a lot.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth performed rather well musically as a karaoke queen in a little-seen movie called Duets a few years ago, and apparently holds her own brilliantly as a washed-up, alcoholic country music star in the upcoming Country Strong (taking tips from Jeff Bridges, are we Gwyn?). However, it’s her frankly awesome guest appearance in Glee that has us thinking she’s got mighty more stage presence than her boring hubby. Perhaps she could be Coldplay’s new front woman; that’d make them a bit more interesting.

– Fiona Goby

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  • Comments

  • avatar

    Zooey Deschanel is unbelievable live I saw She & Him in London and she blew everyone away! Great post!!


  • avatar

    I never knew ANY of these actors could actually sing. Reminds me a little of Brit flick Love, Honour and Obey. With Johnny Lee Miller warbling away = hawt.

  • avatar

    Um, Zooey actually CAN’T sing. Just because someone uses their good looks to get into a band does not make them a singer. The boring, uninspired music of She & Him is made even worse by the fact she can’t hit a note.

    • avatar

      I must say Adam, I respectfully disagree. She & Him are one of my favourite bands, and having seen them live a few times, I can confirm Zooey has a fantastic voice, very strong when heard in the flesh. Horses for courses I guess, though – her voice is maybe too unique for all to enjoy, and the music perhaps a bit more retro than other stuff around at the moment.

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