Dr. Organic Snail Gel review // Sort out sluggish (LOL!) skin
I've taken to slathering my skin with snail secretions. Sure.
I've taken to slathering my skin with snail secretions. Sure.
In interests of full disclosure, I’ll be honest with you from the start – I don’t know what it is, but ever since Miley Cyrus cut off her hair and went all ‘sexy goth cyber punk‘, some sort of inner rage has been awoken in me, in that I just really want the annoying chipmunk […]
Once the preserve of text, email and your twitter account, text speak or #talkinglikeadick is rife. Heavy rotation of shortened words, spoken symbols and vocal emoticons are now standard slang for adults who should know better. There’s just something so addictive about hamming it up with your chums, “hashtag: whatevs” which slowly creeps into your […]
In honour of all the Fash-wan Weeks *kiss kiss* taking place at the mo, this week’s WTF? (note how we say that, blithely ignoring the fact the last proper WTF? we did was, um, last year but anyway) is dedicated to slebs what ought to sack their stylists. Here, we present a plethora of rainbow […]
Jesus Christ. Did you SEE the pics of poor old Macaulay Culkin in New York this week?! Looks like SOMEONE was left Home Alone with the keys to the medicine cabinet… Mind you, he has always had that goggly-eyed look. He has this is common with that bloke from The Office and Thom from Radiohead. […]
Sweet Jesus. Our WTF? radar has been pinging all over the shop this week, mostly powered by attention seeking slebs giving themselves another ‘look at me, look at me!’ makeover. Still, it clearly worked on all fronts. Look at them, we bloody well did. Whilst shouting in slow-mo: ‘What. The. Actual. Fuckery. Is. THAT?!’ Jodie […]
Another week, another collective of sleb occurrences that have made us stop in our tracks (well, go a little bit slack-jawed at our computer) and boom: WHAT THE FUCK? Only to receive disgusted ‘tsks’ from our colleagues for doing another swear at our desks. Again. At 9.10am. Anyway, we love it when our WTF? features […]
Bit of a telly slash film focus this week. Like a shit version of Film 2011, if you will. Or Anne Robinson’s Points of View. Anyway! These are the things mostly making us do a ‘WTF?’ this week. Behold… Rack off! Imagine if you will, a topless, sculpted Australian male blessed with a ripped six […]
This is an occasional series, rearing it’s bewildered, fugly head as and when things pop up in the news (or on Perez Hilton) that quite simply make us go: WTF? What. The. Actual. Fuckage? And it’s been a while. Cheryl Cole’s disastrous wardrobe in the US gave us lots of mileage, but then silly Simon […]
We didn’t think there’d be much mileage in this feature when we posted part one last week. But it seems as long as Cheryl Cole is Stateside, filming X Factor USA, there’ll be plenty of things to make us go WTF? Here’s this week’s highlights… Cheryl Cole: Cannes you believe it? We have a feeling […]