
Gary Barlow

X Factor Live Shows // Week 4: Careful not to offend Barlow with your fag-ash breath, yeah?

Ah, Halloween-week X Factor. It’s WELL scary. Well, I mean, it’s scary that the damn Liverpudlian Ronseal Wanker is still there. (WHO IS VOTING FOR HIM, AND WHY? Are they all part of a weird nan-loving cult?) What’s also really scary about X Factor this week, is that I’m even still watching the live shows […]

X Factor Live Shows // Week 1: Top of the Strops AKA DRAMAAAAAAAAZZZZ!

I’m BAA-AAACK! What? You didn’t think I’d miss the chance to spend approximately ten weeks ripping the piss out of some vocal-run obsessed wannabes, did you? As anyone who read last year’s X Factor round-ups, or indeed follows me on Twitter (shameless plug number one) will know, the X Factor live shows are literally my […]

The X Factor Live Shows // Week Eight and THEY’RE ALL A BUNCH OF MUPPETS. LITERALLY. (Well, sort of)

First of all, I’d like to thank every single one of you, loyal readers, for sticking with my weekly columns thus far (all three of you – honestly, it really is much appreciated). Secondly, I’d like to apologise that I unwittingly informed everyone of the incorrect theme last week (obvs it was Guilty Pleasures/Heroes and […]

The X Factor Live Shows // Week Six: it’s all just one big ‘technical difficulty’

It’s been a historic week for X Factor. Firstly, let me ask you – where were you when the X Factor ‘technical difficulty’ occurred? I can tell you exactly where I was. Sat in front of my telly, drinking a nice cold Kopparberg left over from the night before, gleefully awaiting another week of top […]