
The X Factor

X Factor Live Shows // Week 7 catch up: Guilty pleasures, Ella gets eliminated and Dermot dons MC Hammer pants

Another week, another X Factor live show. And what a shit show it was. Guilty pleasures (that old chestnut) was this week’s theme officially, but unofficially, the theme was clearly ‘take a famous song and slow it down loads’. Then Sunday night’s results show came, and… SHOCK HORROR! Two (two! TWO!) of the chosen three […]

X Factor Live Shows // Week 4: Careful not to offend Barlow with your fag-ash breath, yeah?

Ah, Halloween-week X Factor. It’s WELL scary. Well, I mean, it’s scary that the damn Liverpudlian Ronseal Wanker is still there. (WHO IS VOTING FOR HIM, AND WHY? Are they all part of a weird nan-loving cult?) What’s also really scary about X Factor this week, is that I’m even still watching the live shows […]

X Factor Live Shows // Week 1: Top of the Strops AKA DRAMAAAAAAAAZZZZ!

I’m BAA-AAACK! What? You didn’t think I’d miss the chance to spend approximately ten weeks ripping the piss out of some vocal-run obsessed wannabes, did you? As anyone who read last year’s X Factor round-ups, or indeed follows me on Twitter (shameless plug number one) will know, the X Factor live shows are literally my […]